Miami’s Community Dance Conservatory

5 Things You Need To Know About South Miami’s Ballet Summer Intensive

Deciding on a summer intensive for your young dancer can be a daunting task! Some intensives can provide very little information regarding their class offering and class size, and these are important factors when deciding where your child will invest their time this summer.  After all, you want them to receive REAL dance training. If you […]

Emotional Literacy and Meditation – Another way TAYB prepares students to succeed in life.

Meditation is a hot topic of conversation in today’s world. We are quickly learning of the benefits it brings both at a neurological and emotional level, as well as the positive long-term impact it can have in someone’s life. That is why the practice is becoming more and more common at schools and programs such […]

What will you see at our Spring Concert?

Every year Thomas Armour Youth Ballet (TAYB) presents a Spring Concert at New World School of the Arts. The tradition dates back 25 years and we are excited for this year’s lineup! While our name might make you think otherwise, the concert is not just ballet, but rather a combination of different dance genres and styles! […]