Become a partner in our work and change a child’s life

  • Provide after school programming for one child for one year. Dance, academic support, social emotional education, and nutrition – you can change a life – $2,400 or $200 monthly credit card payments for one year.
  • Help a child to begin reading at grade level – the key to academic success! Support a year of reading, homework help and tutoring for one child for one year – $900 or $75 monthly credit card payments.
  • Assist a child with the trauma of COVID providing group therapy, social emotional education and safety protocols to reduce transmission while they are together – $480 or $40.00 monthly credit card payments.
  • Be part of the fun! Support field trips, enrichment art activities, dance shoes and clothing for one child for one year – $240.00 or $20.00 monthly credit card payments.

Donation amounts not listed are also welcome! To make a donation use the form below.